Litigation Research

What is Litigation Research?

The goal of litigation research is to find accurate and defensive information that will be used as supporting data for legal matters. It is imperative that the company involved in collecting the information has extensive knowledge of the litigation process. In order to build a strong case, it’s essential to gather all available information necessary. You will need professional assistance from companies offering litigation research services to get all these details.

Types of Litigation Research

We offer two types of litigation research – exploratory research and confirmatory research. These types research stem from our consumer litigation surveys for legal matters. Below, we’ll explain how we can help you with each:

Exploratory Litigation Research

Before taking any action on a legal matter, conducting a fair amount of exploratory research is essential. This will help you better understand your case and determine what approach you should take. If you need assistance with litigation research or have questions about how to proceed with your case, we can help! Our team has years of experience in providing litigation support services and can assist you throughout all stages of your case.

Confirmatory Research

A confirmatory research study, also known as hypothesis-testing, is a research design where the subject matters is tested by existing theory or hypothesis. Although it is called confirmatory research, it may also include disconfirming evidence by disproving a hypothesis. In addition to designing experiments and surveys, researchers must carefully interpret data and draw appropriate conclusions. This is particularly true when using statistical techniques in confirmatory research.

Accurate Legal Research Data

Any law firm that handles litigation matters will be required to do some form of legal research at one point or another, whether it’s on your case specifically or a legal matter in general that you want to look into for future reference.

That respective litigation research can either be done by you or a paralegal on your legal team. More often than not, it’s more efficient, faster, accurate and defensible to hire a professional litigation survey and research company, but with so many companies out there providing litigation research services, it can be challenging to figure out which one is right for you. This is even more important if you need the information to support your evidence in litigation.

Whether it’s exploratory or confirmatory, our team understands that survey data can be important evidence in litigation, However, this can only be accomplished when the survey and data collected is accurate and defensible. With our methodical approach, rigorous attention to detail, knowledge of the litigation process, and extensive quality control process, we have a solid track record of delivering first-rate results to our clients.

California Survey Research Services, Inc. (CSRS) will work with our clients to determine their research needs for the specific legal matter. Whether we assist in designing the survey questions, creating stimuli, determining the survey population, collecting and analyzing the survey data, our team of litigation survey experts will guide you in determining the best research method to ensure the integrity of the data.

Get Professional Litigation Research with California Survey Research Services, Inc.

At CSRS, we offers professional litigation research services to clients all across the U.S. Our team of research experts have extensive experience conducting comprehensive research for survey data in a wide variety of legal case types. Our agency uses advanced methods and techniques that are effective in getting you detailed information about your case quickly. We also provide customized reports with our best-in-class litigation research service so that you can get all of your questions answered as efficiently as possible.

If you need an efficient and reliable litigation service, California Survey Research Services, Inc. is a company you can trust to get the job done right.

Contact us for more information.