"CSRS offers professional, efficient and cheerful support and implementation services for academic survey research."
"The personnel at CSRS assisted us from beginning to end in tailoring our telephone surveys with the highest scientific rigor. The quality of the data and their timing in the…"
"CSRS is a team of highly qualified professionals who are affable and possess extensive survey research knowledge and skills."
"CSRS staff is very experienced and offer excellent suggestions about instruments and how to get the best information from respondents. Their costs are always reasonable and they stand behind their…"
"CSRS does everything from soup to nuts, from cognitive interviews to surveys that meet the highest levels of academic rigor in sampling, data collection and data processing."
"CSRS means 'Client Service.'  They unfailingly go out of their way to make my job easier."
"Extremely reliable, creative, understanding of the needs of scientists, healthcare professionals, and the demands of the federal bureaucracy, meticulous, professional in every way."
"CSRS has state of the art familiarity with sampling, questionnaire development and design, is thoroughly familiar with survey software and field methods, provides excellent service and support, interacts knowledgeably and…"

Check boxes with excellent checked

California Survey Research Services, Inc. exceeds market research industry standards with a depth of experience and a commitment to quality for all data collection and data processing projects. CSRS will work with you to build an easy and complete approach to gathering and processing information with fast turnaround and competitive pricing.
CSRS has extensive experience in public policy, consumer products and services, business to business research, litigation research, and more. Our rigorous techniques have proved successful for many commercial, academic, and government clients, providing excellence in projects that require a high level of attention and quality standards most competitors cannot provide.

Over the years, CSRS has gained extensive experience working with organizations that specialize in conducting research requiring Human Subjects protection respecting confidentiality and privacy. Since the implementation of the Health Insurance Probability Accountability Act of 1996, CSRS has put forth an added effort to ensure HIPAA policy compliance for all impacted studies.

Every client has different requirements, and CSRS ensures that all procedures are customized to meet the needs of each individual study. Our ultimate goal is to always ensure that issues of privacy and sensitivity are handled with care and attention, regardless of the procedure being used.

While there are many “Field and Tab” companies in the research industry, CSRS uniquely retains its own professional staff of individuals on-site, most of whom have had more than a decade of experience at CSRS. Our dedicated staff allows CSRS to offer efficient service, optimal reliability, and superior responsiveness for all your research needs.